Cambridge International Primary: English Teacher’s Resource print and digital bundle (year 2)



Cambridge Primary English is a flexible, endorsed course written specifically to support Cambridge International Examinations’ curriculum framework (Stages 1–6).

This Teacher’s Book includes the following features. A complete mapping grid to the Cambridge Primary English curriculum framework.

Step-by-step teaching notes include opportunities for differentiated learning and spelling link boxes to highlight where spelling practice could be integrated. Fully cross-referenced for the most effective use of the Cambridge Primary English Learner’s Book and Activity Book. Over 30 Photocopy masters (PCMs) and photocopiable spelling lists. A CD-ROM including PDFs of the Teacher’s Book content for printing and reference.

Mac users please note that CD-ROMS don’t autostart when used with Macs they will need to be started manually.

  • Provides full teaching notes with activity answers for each of the teaching sessions in the Learner’s Book and Activity Book.
  • Contains an introduction to the Cambridge Primary English course including insight into the course pedagogy.
    Includes a mapping to the Cambridge Primary English curriculum framework for the relevant Stage.
  • Outlines the key learning objectives and learning outcomes for each unit.
  • Indicates resources needed or that would be nice to have in order to teach each session in the Learner’s Book units.
  • Suggests opportunities for differentiated learning in every teaching session.

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