Click Start 9 is a Computer Science resource, covering the concepts of Windows 7, MS Office 2007, HTML, XML, programming languages C, C++ and Java.
- An interactive CD-ROM, with 3D animations, activities, games, exercises, printable worksheets and audio-visual learning modules catering to Windows 7 and MS Office 2007, is included.
- Teacher’s Notes provide creative suggestions to further strengthen learning and Teacher’s Manual to facilitate teaching.
- Snap Recap to reiterate the concepts learnt earlier.
- Learning Objectives to outline the objectives of the chapter.
- Fact Files to enhance the knowledge of the students.
- Quick Key and Try This to introduce shortcuts and alternative methodologies.
- Activities interspersed within each chapter to promote application based learning.
- Exercises to make tasks interactive and promote guided discussions and Application Based Questions to enhance problem solving skills of the students.
- Glossary and Now You Know to aid quick revision of the concepts learnt.
- Lab Work to encourage learning by doing and Updates on Windows 8 and MS Office 2010 to keep abreast with technology advancements.